Now, for the purposes of this post, let's say the "face" of WWE is the person placed on posters, the one who sells tickets and merchandise, the one with which the average person and the media is most familiar. If you ask someone on the street who John Cena or The Rock is, they'll probably know. If you ask who Bray Wyatt is, however, you might find more than a few clueless individuals.
The problem is that WWE isn't yet willing to let their current superstars headline big events (like WrestleMania), opting instead to promote past superstars who more people are familiar with (Rock, Batista, etc.). It makes sense from a business standpoint--regular viewers will watch WM anyway, so target casual fans--but eventually WWE will "run out" of these past stars as they age and people stop caring about their infrequent appearances. Eventually, they'll need a new face to drive sales.
So, who's the next face of WWE? Let's consider...
Daniel Bryan

Likely the most popular superstar among regular viewers right now, Daniel Bryan is an incredible technical wrestler with a massive fan base, but the average person is probably unaware of him, his talent, or his ability. Despite his consistently thrilling performances, Bryan will need some considerable promotion to make him relevant outside of those who watch WWE every week.

This guy already sells merch, has appeared in commercials promoting the brand, is especially popular with female and young viewers, and puts on consistent performances that are, while not always spectacular, usually free from botches and include a plethora of engaging, signature moves. It wouldn't be hard to write a story line for Sheamus that would put him over--the issue is his very specific character, an Irish hooligan that may not appeal to a vast audience.
Roman Reigns
This may sound like an odd pick, but Reigns is The Rock's cousin after all, and he's arguably the most popular member of The Shield, the WWE's premier, ticket-driving faction right now. He's only been in WWE for under 2 years, but with the right campaign, his popularity could skyrocket. He has the looks, talents, and fans to quickly rise to the top. His repertoire of signature moves is rapidly growing (Superman Punch, Spear, Apron Dropkick, etc.), so not only is he exciting to watch, he's only a few steps away from greatness.
Until next time, have a nice day, and don't be a jabroni.
(photos from
I agree with all 3 stars. They definitely need to start pushing the guys they have now or they will be in some serious trouble in the not to distant future. Cena will only be super as long as his body allows him to be and he is already 37....