I'm often asked why I like professional wrestling. People wonder what the appeal is, and I usually say it's the live performance aspect. It's like a physical circus where performers sometimes go for over half an hour telling a story with only their actions. And some of the most thrilling moments rely on a Superstar or Diva's finisher.
Inevitably, the match ends with one of these moves -- unless there's a quick roll-up or something, but those aren't usually counted as "real" wins, and there's usually a rematch in order. So, finishers need to be spectacular moves that represent a character's personality.
Above are three examples of good finishers. Below, the reasons why.
1. Barrett's Bullhammer -- This one really depends on the person selling them move, but then Ziggler could sell a brain freeze drinking tea. This is what the Bullhammer should look like: brutal and effective. It also pairs well with Barrett's background of bare-knuckle boxing.
2. Paige's Scorpion Lock -- A unique, painful looking submission, much like AJ's Black Widow. Suitable for her flexible female opponents, plus Paige gets to look dominant (besides dressing like a dominatrix). Cool submissions like this are a great way for women to appear powerful without lifts.
3. Cesaro's Neutralizer -- Perfect for showing off his uncanny strength against huge opponents. It's a simple lift with big impact, especially when he's lifting 400-pound big-boys like Mark Henry, Brodus Clay, and The Great Khali.
Check out https://vine.co/v/MJ2UXtVKipA to see these glorious finishers over, and over, and over, and...
Until next time, have a nice day, and don't be a jabroni.
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